Green Green Cleanup Participation Rules

1. Preparing for Participation

1.1. Dress according to the weather, use comfortable and durable clothing with long sleeves and trousers to avoid cuts and scratches.

1.2. Wear sturdy footwear with good grip, such as trekking sneakers or boots, to ensure stability and prevent slipping.

1.3. Use a head covering to avoid sunstroke and heatstroke.

1.4. If you need specific medications, like for allergies, be sure to bring them with you. The coordinators have a basic first aid kit.

1.5. It is advisable to bring drinking water in a reusable bottle, but if necessary, you can get water from the coordinators.

1.6. Apply sunscreen, even in cool weather the risk of sunburn is very high when outdoors.

2. Behavior at the Cleanup Site

2.1. Always follow the instructions of the group coordinator, as they know the terrain and monitor the team’s safety.

2.2. Beware of wet rocks and slippery surfaces, especially after rain and near water.

2.3. Maintain visual contact with team members and be ready to assist if needed.

2.4. If you feel tired or unsure of your abilities, inform your group’s coordinator. Even slight fatigue can affect your and your group's safety.

2.5. Use personal protective equipment, such as gloves, goggles, and dust masks, for extra safety when working in hazardous areas. If you do not have them, contact the coordinator.

2.6. In case of falls or injuries, immediately inform the coordinator; first aid will be provided and necessary services called.

3. When Working on a Slope

3.1. Choose a safe route for moving along the slope as recommended by the coordinator. Use small, confident steps for better movement control and to reduce the risk of slipping or falling.

3.2. Work facing the slope, maintaining a slight forward lean for stability.

3.3. Move sideways on slopes when ascending or descending, using the side of your foot (edge) for stability on steep inclines.

3.4. Avoid sudden and unexpected movements that could lead to loss of balance. Move smoothly and controlled.

3.5. Do not stand one above the other on steep slopes and do not pass below someone working above you.

4. When Working in Nature

4.1. Be sure to bring insect and tick repellent. Due to the warm climate, tick season in Armenia is practically year-round.

4.2. Do not disturb or try to catch wild animals, snakes, and insects. Treat any snake as potentially venomous. In case of contact, do not panic and immediately inform the coordinator.

4.3. When moving, do not stray from the path led by the coordinator, beware of thickets and burrows. Do not sit on the ground or trees without ensuring their safety.

4.4. Under no circumstances chase fleeing animals, including dogs, snakes, and others. They instinctively try to escape from humans, do not provoke an attack.

4.5. Do not collect or consume any berries or mushrooms you find, even if you are sure of their safety. Do not drink water from natural sources.

4.6. Avoid using perfumes or scented products, as strong smells can attract insects.

⚠️ 5. Although the organizers try to ensure the maximum safety of your participation, you are responsible for your own safety!

See also: Memo for volunteers Become volunteer